Wednesday, 29 October 2014


Shelled Slasher

Shelled Slasher594-44254104+

Shelled Slashers are a deadly, burrowing xenos native to the arid planet Drisdan III. This rocky sphere lies within the projected path of Hive Fleet Leviathan – a massive Tyranid assault that is attacking Imperial space from beneath the galactic plane. Slashers are possibly a Tyranid seed-creature that, due to solar winds or cosmic debris, has found its way to this desert planet from the main hive fleet.
Like most Tyranid species, the so-called Shelled Slasher has adapted to a harsh planet and created much pain among settlers and mining folk. Its heavily armoured body can resist the punishment of the sandstorms as well as most conventional weapons. When it pulls nearly 90% of its body under its shell, it becomes particularly difficult to eliminate. Its hard carapace closely resembles the shells of the Sandcrabs that prowl the desert sands which makes identification difficult, especially when the Slasher is partially buried. The creature is devastating on the offensive, exploding from the ground in spray of stone and sand while rushing its prey in a flurry of razor-sharp talons and vicious head-butts.

Shelled Slasher
Medium – 9 pts.Bipedal – 0 pts.
Extra Attack (x3) – 12 pts.
Heavily Armoured – 5 pts.
Quick Reflexes – 1 pts.
Resilient – 10 pts.
Burrowing – 5 pts.
Defensive Maneuver – 3 pts.
Razor-sharp Claws – 7 pts.
Rushing Attack – 7 pts.
Assembly – First, Rick assembled a Tyranid Warrior chest and back sections. Once the plastic glue was completely hardened, a bit of Green Stuff was pressed onto the front (now the interior of the creature) of the Warrior chest and Carnifex carapace was pressed onto the putty. Rick then used a sculpting tool to push and shape the putty to look as though they were taut tendons and muscle. Once this putty had dried, he shaved down the horn on a Hormaguant head and glued it into place. Then Warrior scything talons went on first for the front legs, followed by the smaller Hormagaunt talons – one set facing forward and the rear legs facing in the reverse. A Carnifex extended carapace horn was shaved down and glued to the creature's head. Finally, he puttied a pebble in place to support the spindly legs and give the model a bit more strength.


ComponentPart Code
Carnifex Sprue B (Carapace)Not sold individually - Carnifex Boxed Set
Carnifex Sprue A (Horn)(Part code: 99380106010)
Tyranid Warrior Sprue(Part code: 99380106005)
Tyranid Hormagaunt Sprue(Part code: 99380106001)
40-mm Round Base(Part code: 99379999023)

Shelled Slasher

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