Saturday, 8 March 2014

South Park: The Stick of Truth Game play Screen Shots

You want me to say that South Park: The Stick of Truth is good, right? That's why you're here. You want me to tell you that despite the fact that it changed publisher mid-development and was subject to a number of lengthy delays, the game's funny, so it's probably worth playing as long as you're a huge South Park fan. But I'd be lying if I told you Stick of Truth is simply "good"--it's actually awesome. Seriously, you guys.
You play as the New Kid, tossed into the chaotic town of South Park in the middle of a massive live-action role-playing game fueled by the imaginations of kids who have watched way too much Game of Thrones and The Lord of the Rings. It's basically an all-out war, with children fighting over the titular Stick of Truth (yes, the one from the end of the Black Friday trilogy), an artifact that allows the wielder to "control space and time."

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