Wednesday, 29 October 2014


Horror of Icthiam

Horror of Icthiam414345242105+

It appears that this xenos-creature may be a descendant of the Tyranid monstrosity known as the Zoanthrope. While separated from a host, the Horror of Icthiam is weak – barely able to move under its own volition. However, it can call telepathically to weak-willed persons and convince the soon-to-be slave that it's in his or her best interests to work together. Once joined, the Horror's power grows significantly. It feeds on the host's psychic energy, redirecting it in blasts of mental power while augmenting the slave's strength when it deems necessary.
Assembly – Rick: I assembled a Cadian Sergeant (from the Imperial Guard Cadian Shock Troop plastics) as the Horror's host creature, but any humanoid model would work just fine for this conversion. I built the helpless host as normal and gave it a helmet-less head to better illustrate the connection between the victim and its new master. Then, I pinned the creature's long tendril or stalk (from the Carnifex's barbed strangler) to the back of the Guardsmen's skull with a short length of paper clip and a drop of superglue. I cut away the Termagant's lower jaw from the head and glued the remaining head to the "top" of a trimmed down barbed strangler bag. Then, I pinned the bag to the top of the stalk and I used Green Stuff to fill in gaps and create surface details.
Horror of Icthiam
Medium – 9 pts.Bipedal – 0 pts. *
Armoured – 2 pts. **
Extra Attack – 4 pts.†
Resilient – 10 pts.
Tough – 3 pts.‡
Enhanced Senses – 3 pts.
Fearful Presence – 2 pts.
Mind Control – 5 pts.
Ranged Attack (Str.) – 3 pts.
Horizontal Rule
* Technically, this creature moves via psychic levitation when separated from a host creature.
** Host IG's flak armor.
† The host, an IG Sergeant in this case.
‡ The Horror deletes the host's inborn instinct for self-preservation.


ComponentPart Code
Cadian Shock Troops Sprue(Part code: 99380105002)
Tyranid Termagant Head(Part code: 99380106002)
Tyranid Carnifex Barbed Strangler(Part code: 99380106010)
25-mm Round Base(Part code: 99379999009)

Horror of Icthiam

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