Wednesday, 29 October 2014


Brood Crawler

Brood Crawler345-44212105+

This creature appears to be a hybrid of a Termagant and a Carnifex. The Brood Crawler uses its massive claws both for movement and attack. While it does have extremely sharp teeth, a short neck and the sheer size of its claws always get in the way. These features force the Brood Crawler to chop up all vanquished prey into little bits and toss them into its small mouth in order to eat. Furthermore, this nimbly clawed creature has no eyes and must rely on its natural sonar within its claws to sense both attackers and prey.

Assembly – Adam: I put together the body of a Termagant then cut off the legs. Then, I used Green Stuff to fill in the area around the legs to give it a more solid body. Next, I cut out two Carnifex claws and used more Green Stuff to attach them to the front of the body. I made the head from one of the arms on the Chaos Mutation sprue, the one with lots of teeth – just right for a Tyranid.
Brood Crawler
Medium – 9 pts.Bipedal – 0 pts.
Armoured – 2 pts.
Extra Attack – 4 pts.
Predator – 2 pts.
Resilient – 10 pts.
Slow-Witted – -3 pts.
Enhanced Senses – 3 pts.
Razor-sharp Claws – 7 pts.


ComponentPart Code
Tyranid Carnifex ClawsNot sold individually - Carnifex Boxed Set
Tyranid Termagant Body(Part Code: 99380106012)
Chaos Mutated Arm(Part Code: 99380102003)
60-mm Round Base(Part Code: 99379999031)

Brood Crawler

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