Wednesday, 29 October 2014


Ramblin' Snapper

Ramblin' Snapper374-54243106+

Like many other off-shoots of the Tyranid genus, the Ramblin' Snapper has adapted to its environment very well. This powerful beast can be found on many worlds, especially in the jungles of Death Worlds. Although unusually stealthy for its size and form, the Snapper's favourite tactic is to build up a little speed and trample its prey before employing its massive claws to tear them apart. This strategy is quite sound against fearful animals and those not trained to stand their ground. However, the clumsiness of this top-heavy bipedal creature can be used against it. Imperial troops that have more than a moment to react can usually dodge the beast's initial charge and can often destroy it before it gets its bearing and returns to finish the job. If they don't see the initial charge, though...
Ramblin' Snapper
Medium – 9 pts.Bipedal – 0 pts.
Extra Attack (x2) – 8 pts.
Resilient – 10 pts.
Strong – 3 pts. 
Razor-sharp Claws – 7 pts.

Assembly – Ken: The hardest part about this conversion was clipping off the legs of the Squig so that the clipped Tyranid legs could fit. By adding a second glue point on the base, I avoided having to pin the right Tomb Scorpion claw, although I was not so lucky with the one on the left. After that, it was just a matter of flattening the root of the Tyranid arms so that they could easily join to the Squig body. In the end, it was a quick-and-easy critter!


ComponentPart Code
Tomb Scorpion Claw 1(Part code: 9947020711501)
Tomb Scorpion Claw 2(Part code: 9947020711503)
Cave Squig 3(Part code: 9947020912807)
Tyranid Warrior Sprue(Part code: 99380106005)
Genestealer Sprue(Part code: 99380106009)
40-mm Round Base(Part code: 99379999023)

Ramblin' Snapper

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