Wednesday, 29 October 2014


Arenea Stalker

Arenea Stalker555-44261105+

Asteroids are common throughout the Imperium, though only a few contain enough resources to justify a mining expedition. The Adeptus Mechanicus ran across one such rock drifting between systems in the Mordant Zone. Cataloged as TK421, the Techpriests deemed this asteroid worthy of exploitation and later sent a mining barge to process it. The operation began as normal, with the lowly Tech Adepts guiding their near-mindless servitors in the creation of a network of tunnels connecting the various ore deposits. Once the tunnels were done, though, things began going awry. First, a few servitors failed to return to the maintenance bay on schedule. Then more than 20 went missing. Perplexed, the Tech Adepts ventured into the lattice of tunnels to find their servitors. Soon they had followed the missing servitors' preprogrammed paths until their end, where the Tech Adepts found webbing drifting in the zero-gravity corridor. Only their recording servo-skull returned to the docked barge to show what the Tech Adepts had discovered.

Arenea Stalker
Medium – 9 pts.Quadrupedal – 7 pts.
Predator – 2 pts.
Armoured – 2 pts.
Resilient – 10 pts.
Quick Reflexes (x2) – 2 pts.
Deadly Attack – 6 pts.
Hit and Run – 8 pts.
Entangle – 5 pts.
Vampirism – 4 pts.
Assembly – Bryan: Spiders are creepy and so are Tyranids, which makes them a perfect combination. I used the new Tyrant Guard for the main body of this zero-G arachnid. It already has six slots for appendages, so I just glued in six of the classic Hormagaunt Rear Claws. The final two legs I attached at the waist with superglue. Once that dried, I covered the joint with Green Stuff and voila: big bad bug.


ComponentPart Code
Tyrant Guard Body(Part code: 9947010604201)
Hormagaunt Rear Claws (x4) (classic)(Part code: 9947010600606)
60-mm Round Base(Part code: 99379999031)

Arenea Stalker

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