Wednesday, 29 October 2014




The Debilithrax was discovered on the desert world of Erakeen by a Tallarn Raider patrol – only one of the Guardsmen returned to tell the tale to his regimental HQ. The patrol had set up their hygrotents in the shadow of a rocky outcropping for the midday heat and posted guards. The sleeping Tallarns only warning was the soft thud of the guards' venom-filled corpses as they struck the sand. Rolling out of the their tents with lasguns at the ready, the Tallarn confronted only the empty desert. Worse, the bodies of their comrades could not be found – only two craters remained in the sand. Clearly rattled, the Tallarn wanted to break camp, but they couldn't risk the moisture loss of moving at noontime. Instead, the Guardsmen took up defensive positions in their tents to wait out the sun. Soon, a rustle. Then, a strangled gurgle followed by the swish of sand. The surviving Tallarn couldn't stand it anymore and broke out of his tent – only to see the last of his neighbours' tents disappear beneath the sand in a scrabble of translucent tan claws. Shouldering his lasgun, the last Tallarn ran for his life.

Medium – 9 pts.Quadrupedal – 7 pts.
Predator – 2 pts.
Quick Reflexes (x2) – 2 pts.
Tough – 3 pts.
Armoured – 2 pts.
Burrowing – 5 pts.
Deadly Attack – 6 pts.
Poison – 5 pts.
Whip-like Appendage – 2 pts.
Assembly – Bryan: Obviously, my inspiration for this conversion was the nimble and oft-lethal scorpion. I've had to squish a few in the past, and I can tell you that they are fast, tough, sneaky, and mean. I used the Tyranid Warrior body and arced the tail up more than normal to get my scorpion tail. Next, I added eight Hormagaunt arms to look like legs. Six of them could fit in the Warrior body sockets, but I had to shave down the ends of the other two and glue them in at the waist joint of the body. I covered up this sloppy connection with Green Stuff. The head is just a classic Lictor head pinned in place and given a Green Stuff neck. For the tail barbs, I just used the flesh hooks from the Warrior sprue and blended them into the tail with a little more Green Stuff.


ComponentPart Code
Warrior Body & Hooks (from sprue)(Part Code: 99380106005)
Hormagaunt Arms (x8) (from sprue)(Part Code: 99380106001)
Lictor Head (classic)(Part Code: 9947010600303)
60-mm Round Base(Part Code: 99379999031)


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