Wednesday, 29 October 2014


Xenos of Hive Fleet Colossus


The centaur-like creatures aboard the large nomadic fleets dubbed "Hive Fleet Colossus" bore many similarities to other Tyranid hive fleets, but they had obviously encountered unique environs and thus evolved differently. Chief among these strange traits were their ability to make use of normal Tyranid weapon-symbiotes (although it seems that the process of equipping themselves with these bio-armaments is quite painful), and the unique talent of communicating telepathically with other organisms. Although the Colossi claimed to be slaves escaping some unnamed oppressor, these aliens turned on Imperial forces. Thus began the xenocidal 50-year Zorastra-Attila wars that ended with the destruction of the entire Hive Fleet Colossus.

Special Note – If you and your opponent concur, you can try equipping your Colossi with actual Tyranid weapon-symbiotes. Barbed stranglers could cost 10 points, while boneswords and fleshborers might cost 8 and 4 points respectively. That way, you can use the rules for these weapons straight from Codex: Tyranids. Just remove the Ranged Attack (and the points associated with it) under the Abilities section to the right.

Large – 15 pts.Quadrupedal – 10 pts.
Armoured – 5 pts. *
Extra Attack – 5 pts.
Predator – 4 pts.
Resilient – 15 pts.
Strong – 6 pts.
Tough – 6 pts.
Disorienting Attack – 4 pts. **
Ranged Attack (Str.) – 3 pts.
Rushing Attack – 7 pts.
Horizontal Rule
* Bony plates and scales.
** Telepathic attack.
Assembly – For both of these conversions, Rick combined a Dark Elf Cold One with an Ogre torso (cut just below the belt) and a large amount of Green Stuff around the waist to bulk out this missing section of the critter. He added onto this basic form, including those bits from a Tyranid Warrior for the back plate and organic stomach armour, Genestealer clawed hands for the front legs of the Colossus, along with the Bonesword of the Hive Tyrant and the Carnifex's barbed strangler. Rick scavenged small plates, spines, and a Gaunt's fleshborer from Tyranid sprues. He took the helmeted heads from Ogre Ironguts, shaved down hard edges and rivets, and added chitin plates for mouth plates.
Rick created small scales to detail the bulked-out mid-section by rolling out a very thin piece of Green Stuff on a wet plastic bag. Once the putty had dried, he removed it from the plastic and cut it into small, randomly shaped pieces that he then applied with a small drop of superglue. Rick also made the straps and buckles from Green Stuff along with any tubes and bionics. He took any extra "techie" bitz from the Tau Battlesuit sprue (cut-down weapons) as well as the Kroot sprue for one of the conversions.


ComponentPart Code
Ogre Bull Sprue (x2)(Part code: 99380213005)
Ogre Ironguts Sprue(Part code: 99380213004)
Cold One Sprue (x2)(Part code: 99380212002)
Genestealer Sprue(Part code: 99380106009)
Carnifex Sprue(Part code: 99380106010)
Tyranid Warrior Sprue (x2)(Part code: 99380106005)
Tyranid Biomorph Sprue (x4)(Part code: 99380106003)
Tyranid Termagant Sprue(Part code: 99380106002)
Tau Battlesuit Sprue(Part code: 99390113002)
Kroot Carnivore Sprue(Part code: 99380114001)
Hive Tyrant Bonesword(Part code: 9947010604001)
60-mm Round Base (x2)(Part code: 99379999031)

(This list includes the number of sprues and metal components needed for both Colossus conversions. Those items without a number indicate a single sprue or bit.)

Horizontal Rule

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